FERPA for Students

Bobcat Family Portal
The Bobcat Family Portal will allow your parents and family members access to view your student records. On the day after the request is approved, your parents and/or family members will have access to view your information. You can approve the following types of access:
- Enrolled Hours/Schedule
- Enrollment Status/Degree Information
- Holds
- Financial Aid Information
- GPA/Completed Coursework
- Account Balance
Do my parents have the right to access my information?
Your parents do not have a right to these records. However, the university is permitted to share these records with your parents if you are their dependent for federal income tax purposes (Parental Affidavit of Dependency Form). Such a release may include directory and non-directory information.
How do I restrict access to my directory information?
Current or incoming students may submit a request through the Privacy Hold Request - Current Students form. Former students should file a written request (Privacy Hold Form - Former Students) with the Office of the University Registrar during the first twelve class days of a fall or spring semester, or the first four class days of a summer session. Texas State will apply the request to your records until you notify the Office of the University Registrar otherwise.
What is “directory information”?
Directory information is student information that may be released without the consent of the student, unless the student has requested a privacy hold. Directory information includes the following:
- Name
- Fields of study, including major and minor
- Enrollment status (actual hours enrolled, undergraduate, graduate, etc.)
- Degrees, certificates, and awards received
- Type of award received (academic, technical, continuing education, etc.)
- Dates of attendance
- Student classification
- Name of the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended
- Telephone number
- Current and permanent addresses
- Weight and height of athletes
- Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
- Names of prospective graduates
- Names of parents
- Photographs of students
- Any other records that could be treated as directory information under FERPA
What can NOT be released without my written consent?
Personally identifiable information in an education record will not be released without your written consent. This information includes the following:
- Social Security number
- Date and Place of Birth
- Student identification number
- Gender
- Race, ethnicity, and/or nationality
- Transcripts
- Grade reports
- Diploma
- E-mail address
How can I give access to my student records?
- You can provide the parent consent through Bobcat Family Portal. The parent will need to initiate the request.
- Your parent can provide proof that they claim you on their federal income tax return by filling out a Parental Affidavit of Dependency Form .This form is required for your parents to obtain your academic information. This document is required each time information is requested.