Personal Information Update
Update your Legal Information
In order to track and properly maintain your records across federal, state and higher education systems, we rely on the accuracy of your legal information. If you find out that your student record has an inaccurate legal name, date of birth or social security number follow the instructions below to correct your record.
Legal Name
How It's Used
Your legal name, also referred to as your primary name, is required for select business processes, including federal and state reporting, administering financial aid and processing international student statuses.
This name appears on all official records and accounts, including but not limited to:
- Mailings to your home address, including third-party communications
- Official academic transcripts (only the last 4 digits)
- Enrollment and degree verifications
- Billing and financial aid records and communications
- Insurance records (Health & Wellness Services)
- Housing contracts
- Military and Veterans’ services
- Passport names for international students
How to Update Your Record at TXST
Submit a completed Legal Information Update Form along with the supporting legal documentation to the Office of the University Registrar.
Supporting legal documentation must be delivered in-person to the Office of the University Registrar or mailed. Photocopies of the required documents must be notarized. Do not email or fax documentation that contains sensitive, personally identifiable information as they will not be accepted. Do not mail original documents to our office.
The supporting legal documentation required for a legal name change request is either (1) Two Forms of Primary Identification or (2) One Form of Primary Identification and One Form of Secondary Identification.
Both forms of identification must match the requested name change. For example, if you would like to add your full middle name to your record then both documents you provide must also show your full middle name.
Primary Identification Secondary Identification - Driver’s License
- State Issued ID Card
- Passport
- Military ID
- US Citizenship Certificate
- Certificate of Naturalization
- Birth Certificate
- Court Order
- Marriage License
- Social Security Card*
- Concealed Handgun License
- Temporary Driver’s License
*Any student that is also a current employee at TXST must submit a copy of their Social Security Card with full name indicated. This is a Human Resources requirement.
Date of Birth
How It's Used
Texas State uses your date of birth to help process your financial aid, tuition statements for tax purposes, student employment, College Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend and Selective Service verification, among other things.
Your date of birth appears in whole or in part (i.e., no year is provided) on some official records and accounts, including but not limited to:
- Billing and financial aid records and communications
- Insurance records (Health & Wellness Services)
- Housing contracts
- Military and Veterans services
Personally-identifiable information is secured and accessed only by school officials with a legitimate educational interest.
How to Update Your Record at TXST
Submit a completed Legal Information Update Form along with the supporting legal documentation to the Office of the University Registrar.
Supporting legal documentation must be delivered in-person to the Office of the University Registrar or mailed. Photocopies of the required documents must be notarized. Do not email or fax documentation that contains sensitive, personally identifiable information as they will not be accepted. Do not mail original documents to our office.
The supporting legal documentation required for a date of birth change request is either (1) Two Forms of Primary Identification or (2) One Form of Primary Identification and One Form of Secondary Identification. One of the documents must include date of birth.
Primary Identification Secondary Identification - Driver’s License
- State Issued ID Card
- Passport
- Military ID
- US Citizenship Certificate
- Certificate of Naturalization
- Birth Certificate
- Court Order
- Marriage License
- Social Security Card*
- Concealed Handgun License
- Temporary Driver’s License
*Any student that is also a current employee at TXST must submit a copy of their Social Security Card with full name indicated. This is a Human Resources requirement.
Social Security Number
How It's Used
Your SSN or ITIN is required for select business processes, including federal and state reporting, administering financial aid, issuing tuition statements for tax purposes and verifying your Selective Service registration, among other things.
Personally-identifiable information is secured and accessed only by school officials with a legitimate educational interest.
How to Update Your Record at TXST
Submit a completed Legal Information Update Form along with the supporting legal documentation to the Office of the University Registrar.
Supporting legal documentation must be delivered in-person to the Office of the University Registrar or mailed. Photocopies of the required documents must be notarized. Do not email or fax documentation that contains sensitive, personally identifiable information as they will not be accepted. Do not mail original documents to our office.
The supporting legal documentation required for Social Security Number change request is one form of Primary Identification and your Social Security Card.
Primary Identification Secondary Identification - Driver’s License
- State Issued ID Card
- Passport
- Military ID
- US Citizenship Certificate
- Certificate of Naturalization
- Social Security Card*
*Any student that is also a current employee at TXST must submit a copy of their Social Security Card with full name indicated. This is a Human Resources requirement.
Legal Sex
How is it used
Your legal sex is used for state reporting.
How to Update your Record at Texas State
Current Students:
Submit a completed Legal Information Update Form to the Office of the University Registrar.
Supporting legal documentation must be included with the form. The supporting legal documentation required for this request is either (1) two forms of primary identification or (2) one form of primary identification and one form of secondary identification that show the updated information.Former Students:
Follow the instructions above, except you’ll use this link to the Legal Information Update Form instead.
Primary Identification Secondary Identification - Driver’s License
- State Issued ID Card
- Passport
- Military ID
- US Citizenship Certificate
- Certificate of Naturalization
- Birth Certificate
- Court Order
- Marriage License
- Social Security Card*
- Concealed Handgun License
- Temporary Driver’s License
*Any student that is a current or former employee at Texas State University will instead need to update their information through Human Resources instead.
How to Update Your Record at TXST
Current Students:
If you are currently a student with an F-1 or J-1 visa status, you'll need to reach out to the International Student and Scholar Services Office for assistance.
Current students can submit an ‘Update Citizenship Request Form’ to the Office of the University Registrar.
Supporting legal documentation must be included with the form. The supporting legal documentation required for this change is either (1) two forms of primary identification or (2) one form of primary identification and one form of secondary identification that show the updated information.Primary Identification Secondary Identification - Driver’s License
- State Issued ID Card
- Passport
- Military ID
- Certificate of Naturalization (DHS Forms N-550 or N-570)
- Certificate of Citizenship (DHS Forms N-560 or N-561)
- Certificate of Foreign Birth (FS-545, DS-1350, or FS-240)
- United States Citizenship Identification Card (I-197 or prior version I-179)
- US Passport
- Northern Mariana Card (I-873)
- US Public Birth Certificate showing birth in America Samoa, Swain's Island, Puerto Rico (after 01-13/1941), Virgin Islands (after 01/17/1917), Northern Mariana Islands (after 11/04/1986) or Guam (after 04/10/1899)
- Permanent Resident Card*
*A valid Permanent Resident Card is required to update a student's citizenship status to ‘Permanent Resident’
How to Update Your Record at Texas State
Current Students:
Submit an 'Update Ethnicity Request Form’ to the Office of the University Registrar.
A primary form of identification must be included when submitting the form.Primary Identification - Driver’s License
- State Issued ID Card
- Passport
- Military ID
- US Citizenship Certificate
- Certificate of Naturalization
- Texas State University Issued ID card (BobcatCard).
*Any student that is a current or former employee at Texas State University will instead need to update their information through Human Resources instead.
Address Change
It is important to keep your address and telephone information up-to-date as this information is used by Texas State University to make informed decisions.
Texas State keeps several types of addresses on file:
Local (Current) Address
This is where you currently live. This address is used to help determine availability of some student services such as Bobcat Shuttle services so it is important that we know where you are living now.
Permanent Address
This is your home address which could be the same as your local (current) address or the address of a parent/legal guardian. This address is used for federal and state reporting.
Diploma Address
This is the address where you would like your diploma sent upon graduation.
How to Update Your Address
Current Students
Go to Texas State Self-Service then click “Personal Information” to change.
Prospective Students
Please visit the online update request form.
Former Students
Submit a request through the Change of Contact Information - Former Student form.
Update Your Personal Information
Texas State University recognizes that your legal information doesn't always align with how you identify. TXST systems allow you to indicate your preferred name, gender identity and pronouns.
If provided, your personal information is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and access to it is restricted to staff who have a legitimate educational interest.
Preferred Name
What is It?
A preferred name is one that differs from your legal name.
If you would rather be referred to by a nickname, professional name, anglicized name or name that better aligns with your gender identity while on campus, you may identify it in Texas State Self Service.
The university reserves the right to remove any preferred name that is deemed to be inappropriate, derogatory or misrepresentative (e.g., is being used in an attempt to avoid legal obligations or confuse their identity with that of another). If that happens, you may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
How It's Used
Where technically and legally feasible, preferred names are displayed instead of primary (legal) names in university systems and records and are used to identify students in the classroom and other places on campus.
After designating a preferred name, you'll see it used in the following university systems and records:
- Class rosters (used by faculty)
- Student portal
- Learning management systems (Canvas)
Preferred names are not used in external or third-party communications.
How to Update Your Record at TXST
To add, edit or delete your preferred name (optional):
- Log in to Texas State Self-Service.
- In “Personal Details” block, select “Edit” in top right corner.
- In the pop-up window, locate the “Preferred Name” field.
- Enter your preferred name in the “Preferred Name” field.
- To save, select the “Update” button on lower right of pop-up window.
Gender Identification
What is It?
Gender identity reflects one's innermost concept of self as man, woman, blend of both or neither. In other words, it's how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves. One's gender identity can be the same or different than their legal sex.
At TXST, you may select from the following genders: agender, gender-diverse, gender fluid, genderqueer, man, non-binary, other, prefer not to disclose, questioning or unsure, trans man, trans woman or woman.
How It's Used
The collection and use of gender identity data at TXST is a new and evolving practice. Campus officials are analyzing systems and business processes that currently store and use student's legal sex to determine appropriate and/or required use.
Please note that some campus departments or programs may ask you to provide gender identity information separately, because their systems don't interface with the main student system.
While legal sex data is required for compliance with select business processes, it's always optional for you to identify your gender identity. You may add, edit or delete this data at any time.
How It’s Protected
Data Privacy & Security
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Access to this information through university systems is restricted to staff who have a legitimate educational interest. Campus officials will primarily use this information in aggregate to make informed, data-driven decisions related to strategic resources and student support.
Gender identity data, including information about individuals who identify as LGBTQiA+, is protected by theInquiries & Concerns
If you believe your gender identity information is being accessed or used inappropriately, and/or if you have suggestions for appropriate use, please report your concerns or recommendations to the following TXST office(s) as appropriate:
- Division of Student Success (support, discrimination and harassment reports)
- Office of the University Registrar (suggestions or concerns related to data usage)
How to Update Your Record at TXST
To add, edit or delete your gender identification (optional):
- Log in to Texas State Self-Service.
- In “Personal Details” block, select “Edit” in top right corner.
- In the pop-up window, locate the “Gender Identification” field.
- Select your “Gender Identification” from the drop-down list .
- To save, select the “Update” button on lower right of pop-up Window.
Personal Pronouns
What are They?
Personal pronouns are used in place of specific nouns for people, places and things. For example, we refer to a group of people with the pronouns they (subjective case), them (objective case) and their (possessive case).
To refer to an individual, it's respectful to use the personal pronoun. For example, someone who identifies as transgender may prefer that you ask for their pronouns, rather than those associated with their legal sex.
At TXST, you may select from the following pronouns: she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, and ask for my pronouns.
Why are Pronouns Important?
The use of pronouns is an important way to show respect and that someone is important to you. When we offer our pronouns it helps normalize the fact that not everyone's pronoun corresponds with their gender. For more information visit the Division of Student Success.
How are They Used?
Student-identified pronouns appear in Banner Student Information System.
How to Update Your Record at TXST
To add, edit or delete your pronouns (optional):
- Log in to Texas State Self-Service.
- In “Personal Details” block, select “Edit” in top right corner.
- In the pop-up window, locate the “Personal Pronoun” field.
- Select your “Personal Pronoun” from the drop-down list.
- To save, select the “Update” button on the lower right of pop-up window.
How are Pronouns Protected?
Although TXST doesn't consider pronouns to be highly sensitive data, only authorized school officials (e.g., staff, advisors and others with a legitimate educational interest) have access to view them.
If a third-party contacts TXST and requests your pronouns, we won't release that information unless you've provided explicit consent for us to do so.
How to Help Educate Faculty & Staff
Communication and training around the use of pronoun information is evolving on campus.
If a faculty or staff member refers to you by using incorrect pronouns, it is appropriate to tell them you've provided your pronouns to TXST and that the Office of the University Registrar can help them locate that information.
Texas State Alerts
Your phone information can be used to receive Texas State Alerts during an emergency situation if you opt into the TXState Alert system. Text messages are sent to your phone that provide information about emergency situations on or near the University. For more information, visit the Texas State University Police Department website.