Student Registration

Registration is more than adding or dropping classes, it's a process that takes preparation as well as follow-through in order to make sure you get the best schedule possible with the least amount of trouble. Below are links with useful information and video tutorials to assist you through this process.

  • In a web browser, navigate to TXST Self-Service at:

    1. Click, “Student”
    2. Click, “Registration”
    3. Click, “Registration – Add/Drop Courses
  • Subject

    Choose from the list of subject titles.

    Search by typing in a subject title.

    Search by typing in a subject code [ENG]

    Course Number

    4-digit catalog number system

    Can use % as a wild card

    4% will show all 4000 level courses


    Enter one or more words (partial words allowed).

    Results will show courses that contain the word(s) or partial words in the subject, title or description.

    Open Sections Only

    Choose to show only classes that are open and accepting registration.

    If not checked, will show all classes, regardless of status.

    Part of Term

    The date range in a semester a class is scheduled to occur.


    The campus a section is offered

    Instructional Method

    The method by which a course is delivered.


    The person responsible for teaching, evaluating, and assigning final grades fora class.


    Search from list of section attributes

    Search by typing in a specific attribute[Writing Intensive]; [090]

    Course Range Number

    Search by entering specific course number ranges. [3000 to 3999]

    Search with % as a wild card [3% to 5%will show all 3000 – 4000 level courses]


    Undergraduate, Graduate, Doctoral


    All class offerings by academic department


    Evening session – classes that start on or after 5:00pm.

    Weekend session – classes offered on Saturday and/or Sunday.

    Meeting Days

    Searching by days in a meeting pattern

    Examples of correct search criteria include:

    • Monday, Wednesday & Friday
    • Monday & Wednesday
    • Tuesday & Thursday
    • Singular days of the week

    Start Time

    Search by the earliest preferred start time of sections

    End Time

    Search by the latest

  • Prerequisite or Test Score Error

    Missing prerequisite requirement(s) to desired course

    Department Approval Needed Error

    Department approval (APPR) required. Contact department offering class for approval.

    Cohort Restriction

    Must be in a specific population of students to register for this section. Ex. Learning communities.

    Time Conflict

    You are attempting to register for a course during a time in which you have already scheduled a class.

    Closed Section

    The section of the course you are registering for has no remaining seats available.

    Instructor Approval Needed

    The course you are attempting to register for requires instructor approval prior to registration

    Class Restriction

    Restricted for specific classifications.

    Student classification is based on the number of credit hours completed.

    Attribute Restriction

    Must have a specific student attribute to register for this section. Ex: Honors

    Major or Minor Restriction

    Section is restricted to a specific field of study (major, minor, concentration, etc..)

    Maximum Hours Exceeded

    UG students in good academic standing may register for up to 18 credit hours.

    GR+ students may register for up to 15 credit hours in a semester.

Plan your courses ahead of time

Using the Plan Ahead feature allows you to build your anticipated schedule so you’re ready to go when registration opens.