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- Textbook Information links to Texas State University Bookstore
BookSmart is a textbook program that provides undergraduate students with quick and easy access to all their required course materials digitally. It’s estimated to save the average student hundreds of dollars per year. The fixed cost of $261 per semester, including taxes, will be conveniently included in your tuition and fees. You don’t need to take any action to use the program. However, if you decide you don’t want to use BookSmart for any reason, you can opt-out.
The materials for each class you are registered for will be automatically delivered to your Canvas account. If a digital version of the materials your instructor selected is not available, a traditional printed textbook will be available one week before classes begins.
Student success drives all we do at TXST. We’re pleased to provide this program that will ensure every student has all of their required learning materials on day one of class. In addition to saving students money, BookSmart means no more having to wait in lines, shop online, deal with shipping issues, wrong editions, or labor over how to pay out of pocket sometimes before financial aid is available.
Learn more about the program, including its benefits, how it works, and FAQs.
Texas Education Code Sec. 51.452 - Dissemination of Course Schedule and List of Required and Recommended Textbooks (HB 1027)
House Bill 1027 requires each public institution of higher education, not later than the 30th day before the first day that classes are conducted for each semester or academic term, to compile the course schedule and list of required and recommended course materials, make that information available to college bookstores and other providers of course materials, and state or provide in a prominent location in the schedule a website link to the following:
- The full amount of any fee or charge for course materials assessed by the institution or another entity under an agreement with the institution, including a statement regarding whether the fee or charge is included in the cost of tuition;
- if course material is in a primarily electronic format, the terms under which the publisher or provider collects and uses student data obtained through use of the course material; and
- any provision that allows the student to opt-out of the fee or charge.
Information for Students
When planning your schedule, you can search by section attribute to find courses that meet these definitions in Texas State Self-Service