Opt-Out Information

How to Opt-Out?

Students will receive a generic email welcoming them to the BookSmart at TXST program with a link to the BookSmart at TXST Portal.

  1. Activate your account and set your password at the BookSmart at TXST Customer Portal.
  2. Your username is your school email address: #####@txstate.edu
  3. First time users will Create an Account.

Process to Opt-Out:

  1. Log in to the BookSmart at TXST Customer Portal.
  2. All sections you are enrolled in will be listed. Select "Opt-Out".
  3. Once you have made your selection, click on "I Agree". Please note: You will no longer have access to any of your BookSmart at TXST course material(s).
  4. You will not be able to opt back into the program after the census date.
  5. Select "I Agree" to Opt-Out of that section.
  6. After census, credits from opting-out will be applied to your student account and any resulting refund will be issued after census.

When do I opt out?

To preserve student choice, Texas State University students have the option to opt-out and remove themselves from the BookSmart at TXST program. The deadline to opt-out is the Census Day for each term . To find the census day for a given term, review the Academic Calendar.

What if I change my mind?

If you decide “Hey, I want back in!”, it is as simple as following the opt-out instructions, but choosing opt-in instead. The deadline to opt-in again is the Census Day for each term. To find the census day for a given term, review the Academic Calendar.