Emergency Tuition Loan

The emergency loan will need to be repaid but is available for eligible students who do not have sufficient funds to complete their down payment for the payment plan. This loan only assists with the down payment for enrollment into the payment plan. You will automatically be enrolled in the payment plan beginning on the thirteenth-class day of the fall/spring term and the fourth-class day of a regular summer term in order to complete the payment process. A $30 payment plan enrollment fee will be billed to your account. The loans are due within the semester borrowed and Texas State is your lender.  Funds are limited so acceptance of an application does not necessarily indicate that funds are available. 

Note: A 1.25% origination fee is assessed in lieu of interest. Loans not repaid by the due date are subject to a delinquent charge. 

Eligibility Requirements: 

  • Be enrolled in the current semester 
  • Unable to complete the 1st installment payment after funds from other sources have been applied 
  • No holds on your records 
  • Residency status of in state or out of state 
  • Valid social security number or ITIN on file with the University 
  • No outstanding prior balance