Form 1098-T (Tuition Statement) is an informational return that educational institutions are required to issue to each student that is enrolled and for whom a reportable transaction is made. The 1098-T provides tax information to both the taxpayer and the IRS, which may be useful in determining eligibility for tax credits and/or deductions.
Either the student, or the person who claims the student as a dependent, may be eligible for tax credits and/or deductions on their individual income tax return for qualified tuition and related expenses.
Please note that the 1098-T may not provide all of the information you need to determine eligibility. You will also need your personal financial records.
Eligibility for any tax benefit depends upon your individual facts and circumstances. The University cannot provide tax advice. Please consult the IRS or a tax professional to find out more about education credits and deductions and your eligibility.
Box 1 reports combined payments from all sources, but it will not exceed the qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) billed during the tax year. Box 1 may include payments that are also reported in Box 5 Scholarships and Grants. Therefore, the amounts on Form 1098-T Box 1 might be different from personal payments you made to Texas State University.
As part of ongoing sustainability and cost reduction measures, Texas State University provides students a 1098-T tax form and financial addendum electronically.
Two options are available to obtain your 1098-T form:
- Texas State 1098T Reporting website at or
- Texas State Self-Service website (Current Students) at
More Information:
When will my 1098-T be ready?
- Available to the student no later than February 1st following each tax year.
- Notification will be sent to your campus email address.
How can I get my 1098-T?
Below are the two options that will be available to view or print your 1098-T form and financial addendum.
- Texas State 1098-T Reporting website at or
- Texas State Self-Service website (Current Students) at
*To obtain your current and prior year tax forms, please view these detailed instructions.
Can Texas State provide me tax advice?
Texas State University is unable to provide you with individual tax advice. If you have questions, you should seek the counsel of an informed tax preparer or advisor. You can also contact the IRS at 800.829.1040 or the IRS Office of Public Liaison at 202.622.2970 for details.

Depending on the below items, you may be eligible for a federal education tax credit.
- your income (or your family’s income, if you are a dependent).
- whether you were considered enrolled full or half-time.
- the amount of your qualified educational expenses for the year
You can find detailed information about claiming education tax credits in IRS Publication 970, page 9.
The dollar amounts reported on your Form 1098-T may assist you in completing IRS Form 8863. The Form 8863 is used for calculating the education tax credits that a taxpayer may claim as part of their tax return.
Box 1 reports combined payments from all sources, but it will not exceed the QTRE billed during the tax year. Box 1 may include payments that are also reported in Box 5 Scholarships and Grants. Therefore, the amounts on Form 1098-T, Box 1 might be different from personal payments you made to Texas State University.
What is Form 1098-T?
- Form 1098-T (Tuition Statement) is an informational return that educational institutions are required to issue to each student that is enrolled and for whom a reportable transaction is made.
- The 1098-T provides tax information to both the taxpayer and the IRS, which may be useful in determining eligibility for tax credits and/or deductions.
- Either the student, or the person who claims the student as a dependent, may be eligible for tax credits and/or deductions on their individual income tax return for qualified tuition and related expenses.
- Please note that the 1098-T may not provide all of the information you need to determine eligibility. You will also need your personal financial records.
- Eligibility for any tax benefit depends upon your individual facts and circumstances. The University cannot provide tax advice. Please consult the IRS or a tax professional to find out more about education credits and deductions and your eligibility.
What do the amounts located on the form represent?
Amounts Paid for QTRE: Box 1 will report payments made toward qualified tuition and related expenses that were billed in a calendar year. The IRS does not consider fees for health services or transportation qualified tuition. So, payments made toward these charges will not be reflected on the 1098-T. All other tuition and related expenses paid are reported in Box 1.
Adjustments Made for a Prior Year: Box 4 represents any adjustments made for a prior year to Form 1098-T. This may reduce any allowable education credit that you claimed for the prior year.
Scholarships and Grants: Box 5 represents the total of all scholarships or grants administered and processed by the eligible educational institution. The amount of scholarships or grants for the calendar year reduce the amount of any allowable tuition and fees deduction or the education credit you may claim for the year.
Adjustments to Scholarships or Grants for a Prior Year: Box 6 represents adjustments to scholarships or grants for a prior year. This may affect the amount of any allowable tuition and fees deduction or education credit claimed for the prior year.
Additional Information Reported:
Box 3 is checked because Texas State University changed its reporting method beginning with tax year 2018.
Box 7 indicates, if checked, that Box 1 includes amounts for an academic period beginning in the next calendar year. For example, if you registered and paid for the upcoming Spring semester during November or December, this box will be marked.
Box 8 is checked if you have been a student for 6 credit hours (half time) or more for one academic period that began during the calendar year.
Box 9 shows whether you are considered to be enrolled in a program leading to a graduate degree, graduate-level certificate, or other recognized graduate-level educational credential.
What are Qualified Expenses?
Qualified higher education expenses mean tuition, fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for enrollment or attendance at an eligible educational institution that were paid from January 1 to December 31 of the tax year.
What are Non-Qualified Expenses?
The University counts as non-qualified expenses room and board, student activities, courses not required for the degree program, insurance, equipment, transportation, or other similar personal, living or family expenses.
Since I received a Form 1098-T from Texas State University, am I qualified for one of the education tax credits?
The taxpayer is responsible for determining eligibility.
How can I find out if I am eligible for a tax benefit?
Check the IRS website, contact the IRS, or contact a tax advisor.
Why didn't I receive a 1098-T for this tax year?
There are several possibilities:
- Your tuition amounts consisted of only non-credit courses.
- You had no new reportable amounts during the tax year.
- You do not have a valid SSN or Taxpayer ID on file with the Office of the University Registrar.
Can I get a form mailed to me?
As part of ongoing sustainability and cost reduction measures, Texas State University provides students a 1098-T tax form and financial addendum electronically. This information will be available to students no later than February 1st following each tax year, and notification will be sent to the student’s campus email address.
Who prepared Form 1098-T?
Texas State University using Ellucian Banner ERP Software.
I took non-credit courses last year that were required by the university before I could enroll. Why are these amounts not shown on the 1098-T?
The university does not generate 1098-T information for non-credit courses, even if they were required by the university.
What if I have further questions?
Please read the information available on the resource link provided below. If you still have a question regarding an amount reported on the 1098-T, please contact TXST One Stop.
NOTE: Please be advised that Texas State University cannot provide legal, tax, or accounting advice to students and is not responsible for any use you make of general information provided to you in response to a question.
For additional information, please consult the following:
- Find Form 8863 on the IRS website to calculate education tax credits or Form 970 for information on Tax Benefits for Education.
- TeleTax Topics: Listen to pre-recorded messages covering tax information by calling: 1-800-829-4477. Topic 605 is Education credits.
- Internal Revenue Service: .800.829.1040
- To obtain tax forms 800.829.3676.
Required Disclosures for IRS Form 1098-T:
- You must contact Student Business Services (SBS) via TXST One Stop if you wish to receive a paper 1098-T form.
- You will be required to send an email request that will include your name, photo ID, 1098-T paper request year, and contact information.
- Paper requests must be submitted before January 31st of the tax reporting year.
- The request for a paper 1098-T will be treated as a withdrawal of consent.
- The 1098-T withdrawal of consent will NOT exclude you from the other consents in the SBS Terms and Conditions, ONLY to withdrawing your electronic 1098-T consent.
- SBS will notify you when the request has been confirmed via the contact information you provided SBS in the email request.
- Your 1098-T paper copy will be sent to you within 30 days of SBS receiving the request for a paper 1098-T form.
- The electronic 1098-T authorization will remain in effect from January 31st thru December 31st of the current tax reporting year.
- If you wish to receive a paper 1098-T for future years, you must send an email request with a copy of your photo ID each tax reporting year a new 1098-T is issued.
- To update your contact information, you must contact the Office of the University Registrar via TXST One Stop.
- If, for any reason, there are changes to the hardware or software that causes you to no longer access your 1098-T statement, then SBS will notify you before the changes are made. Furthermore, these changes may require you to sign a new consent.