
Viewing Your e-Refund

To view your e-Refund, click the appropriate button below and log in to the payment portal. 

Sign-Up for e-Refund

To receive your refunds faster and safely, sign up for e-Refund (direct deposit). 

  • e-Refund is the safest, fastest way to receive your funds.
  • Sign up for e-Refund or update your e-Refund account as soon as possible.
  • Signing up will allow you to avoid refunds by check that require additional time for processing and mail delivery.
  • Authorized user link is only for Parent PLUS Loan refunds. No other types of refunds will be issued to the Authorized User. The Authorized User information, including the email address, must match the information used during the parent loan application process. An authorized user expecting the parent loan refund must also provide their date of birth and last four digits of their Social Security number on the Refunds tab in the Authorized User payment portal to confirm they are the parent borrower.